Explore the Future in 3D - Join the Revolution!

Welcome to the 3D Tech Summit, where innovation meets imagination.

Join us for an immersive experience showcasing cutting-edge 3D technologies from vendors worldwide, including Indonesia.

Discover how companies across industries leverage 3D technology and how educational institutions incorporate it for advanced learning.

Discover the latest information about this event.

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Here are some Intriguing Activities :

3D Technology Exhibition

- Showcase the latest products and innovations from various 3D technology vendors.

- Exhibition areas based on categories, such as 3D for health, architecture, manufacturing, and more.

Presentations and Seminars:

- Presentation sessions by industry experts and 3D technology specialists.

- Seminars to share knowledge about the latest trends and developments.

3D Competitions:

- 3D Fashion Show : A fashion show featuring 3D designs and concepts.

- 3D Robot Battle : A competition between advanced robots either virtually or physically.

Industry Presentation

Companies from various industries sharing their experiences with the use of 3D technology in their operations.

Workshops and Training

Practical workshops to gain a deeper understanding of the use of 3D technology. Training sessions for participants looking to develop skills in 3D technology.

Live 3D Scanning and Printing Shows

Live demonstrations of the 3D printing process using various types of materials.


  1. Innovation Room:
      – A dedicated area to showcase innovative projects and research involving 3D technology.
  3. Networking Session:
      – Time for interaction and networking with professionals, industry players, and enthusiasts of 3D technology.


Soon to be Announce!


Soon to be Announce!

Our Past 3D Tech Summit

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